Convention Dec. 2016 - Abundant life
Dear friends,
In amazement we look back at the wonderful International Christian Convention from 23rd to 27th December 2016 and we want to share the great things that took place with those of you who unfortunately could not join.
God has really done great things in the lives of each and every one!
Thousands of people arrived to us expectantly and joyfully from the whole of Nigeria, from neighboring countries and other nations. Many have had an exhausting journey of several days, there were many little children among them. But all the exertions did not stop them from letting their hungry hearts being filled with the word of God and receiving what the Lord had prepared for them!
The topic of the convention was "Abundant Life".
God wants to give us abundant life; but how do we get it? It is simple but subject to certain conditions! The topics were "The little foxes that spoil the vines", "Blessings", "The benefit of unity", "Death in the life of a Christian", "Don’t give room to Satan", "God’s plan and anointing for you".
In one afternoon there was also a special session for children, for youths / singles, for married couples / parents and for widows each. The word of God was taught, questions were answered and testimonies given. The session for the widows was especially powerful. The Lord glorified Himself by much healing and restoration among them. Thank you, Jesus!!
In all the sessions Pastor Solomon taught in a very comprehensive and profound way.
Use this link to read a short summary of each message.
Visit Menu "Preachings" to listen to the entire preachings.
But not only the times of preaching were powerful. More than 4000 people were worshipping the Lord with one accord and devoted hearts during praises and worship so that the presence of God could be sensed strongly - you can watch parts of that in the following video:
It was a very blessed time in fellowship with the brethren and with the Lord. God confirmed His word through signs and wonders. You can read some of the great testimonies below.
God richly bless you!
- A brother was having problems with his eye. It was as if there was a stone in his eye, although nothing like that could be seen. He was in pain, he could no more see properly with the affected eye, and nothing was able to cure it.
During the convention Pastor Solomon asked all those who are sick to lay their hands on the part of their body that is not well, and he declared divine healing upon them. When the brother laid his hand on his eye and claimed his healing, the power of God came upon him and he felt something leaving his eye. From that moment his eye was perfectly healed. - A woman who has been looking forward to attending the convention was suddenly afflicted with strong headache three days prior to the convention. The headache was so severe that she was no more able to do any housework, and it had not gone the day the convention was going to start. The woman told herself that she will not allow the devil to hinder her from attending the convention, and so despite the strong pain she went there. During the convention someone told her to collect medicine from the nurse working at the International Centre, but she refused and said that she wants God to heal her, and that if God does not heal her she will rather stay with the pain than to take medicine. She put all her trust and confidence in God.
When Pastor Solomon later asked the sick to lay their hands on the afflicted parts of their bodies and pronounced healing on them, the woman knew that the time of her healing had come. God touched her with His healing hand and He delivered her from the terrible headache. - A woman was very sick when it was time for the convention. She was bedridden and very weak, hardly able to get up –yet she wanted to attend the convention. Her husband prayed with her and the two of them agreed that she should go for the convention. With all their hearts they believed that God was going to heal her.
So her husband took her to the International Centre. It was not easy for her to sit down for long, but she was looking up to God for her healing. During the convention suddenly the power of God came upon her and went through her from her head down to her toes. This is how she received instant healing! - A woman who sells plaintain for a living was wanting to attend the convention, but she had no money for her transportation to the International Centre and back home.
There was someone who had promised to buy plantains from her, but the person eventually disappointed. So the woman sat there for hours, waiting for someone to come and buy plantains so that she would get some money, but everybody passed without buying. In the evening, when still nobody had bought anything, she went home to meet her daughter, and together they prayed that God would send somebody that will buy plantain. After the prayer, when the woman wanted to go back to where she had stacked the plaintains, her daughter asked, "Where are you going to? Have you not been there all day and nobody bought anything?" The woman assured her daughter that she knows God was going to answer the prayer they just prayed. When she got to where her plantains were stacked, she met a lady waiting for her. This lady bought all of the plantains, and with this the woman did not only get enough money for her transportation to the convention and back home but also to meet some needs of her family and to give pocket money to all of her children. - A brother had an eye sight problem right from birth. He has not been able to see things far, especially during the daytime. This has made life not to be easy for him.
During the convention, when Pastor Solomon was declaring healing upon the sick, the brother received instant healing from God. For the first time in his life he was able to see far without problem, and ever since the convention he has been enjoying full eye sight! - A man who was not a Christian and was living a very wayward life was invited for the convention and eventually came. As he heard the messages about the abundant life of God, his heart was touched deeply. He was convicted of his sinful lifestyle and longed for nothing more than to be born again. As he surrendered his life to Christ and received Him as his saviour, unspeakable joy and peace flooded his heart like never before. As his sins were washed away by the blood of Jesus a heavy burden left him. He has repented from his former ways and is now serving God with a joyful heart.
- In the morning after the first session there was time for testimonies. A woman came forward and said that right in the evening before she was having a thick, large blister in the inside of her lower lip. It was very painful. But now she realised that it was no more there. She did not feel any pain and there was no sign anymore at all that she had had this problem. God just healed her.
- A widow has been having a severe pain in her chest for a long time. No treatment seemed to be able to cure it, and it affected her daily life. She came for the convention with the hope of being healed. When the presence of God was very strong upon the congregation, God's healing power came on her and eliminated the excruciating pain in her chest. She was perfectly healed and is happy that she can now live a normal life without constant pain.
- A young man was discouraged because he was not yet married. He backslided and went into a sinful relationship with a girl. He cut off from the church totally in order to be free to do whatever he wants. His pastor kept visiting him as he noticed that something was wrong, but the young man never told him what was going on. However, his pastor was able to convince him to attend the convention. During the convention he encountered God and his eyes were opened to the fact that he was going Satan's way. After the convention he broke the unholy relationship with the girl and confessed to his pastor what he had been doing. He fully repented and is now walking in righteousness, trusting the Lord to give him a good wife at the appointed time.
- A witch doctor was invited for the convention and came with an open heart. During a time of prayer he felt that all the demons that were inside of him left him. He was completely delivered from every demonic power and was born again.
He was so happy, and after the convention he went back to his village to tell everyone what God has done for him. Since then he never went back to witchcraftcy but is serving the Lord happily and has been leading many people to Christ. - A young woman reported that she had many problems in her life. But the Lord spoke directly into her heart through the teachings she received during the convention and gave her the solution for her situation.