You are cordially invited to the international conference ‘Knowing God’ from 21/01/2025 to 26/01/2025 at International Christian Centre in Uhogua/Nigeria.

There will also be a live stream where you are welcome to participate.

Come and immerse yourself in the presence of God! God bless you!










Two days crusade in Madagbayo (by Pastor Kenneth Emerie)

The news of the great things the Lord did on that first day spread all over the village. On the second day of the crusade, all the villagers, who were more than 600, came to hear the word of God and receive their healings and deliverance.

I preached the word of life to them and when I finished, they trooped out to give their lives to Christ. During the time of prayers, those that were possessed with witchcraft and other evil spirits were set free by the power of God.

Read more: Two days crusade in Madagbayo (by Pastor Kenneth Emerie)

Crusade in Iguoshodin (by Linda Schulz)

...were touched by the power of God; men, women and children gave their lives to Jesus, were healed and delivered from evil spirits. Also when we during the day time went from house to house to preach the gospel to everybody in the village, people were saved and delivered. 28 people came for Sunday fellowship and some of them testified of what God did for them.

Read more: Crusade in Iguoshodin (by Linda Schulz)

Counselling and deliverance (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)

In my daily counselling and deliverance I see God come down in his power to heal and deliver people from divers manner of demonic oppression, possession and diseases. For instance, one Saturday after a prayer session, I sensed in my spirit...

Read more: Counselling and deliverance (by Pastor Kenneth Uchea)